Ukraine, Iceland and Sweden on the blitz podium

The traditional blitz tournament was played on Thursday evening. A total of 63 players participated and the atmosphere was at its best, despite the fact that the summer decided that this particular day would be the hottest this year. Guests from as far as Zambia had actually found their way to Uppsala to play 11 rounds of blitz.

Vlad Larkin, Vignir Vatnar and Jung Min Seo ended up on the podium. Rating prizes were won by Per Berggren, Gävle, Martin Trost, SS4 Springare, Alvin Lind Bertéusen, Wasa SK and Jón Úlfur Haftórsson, Oliver Wedenberg and Ture Hultin all from Uppsala SSS.


Vignir Vatnar Stefansson, Vladyslav Larkin and Jung Min Seo.
Kim Nygren playing against the winner to be Larkin.
Uppsala Chess Center was filled with blitz players on Thursday.

Congratulations to Uzbekistan and Ukraine!

In the Chess Olympics played in Chennai, India in recent weeks, there were surprise victories for Uzbekistan in the open class and Ukraine in the women’s class. A big congratulations from us in Uppsala to the winners!

Uzbekistan’s team that surprisingly won the open class in this year’s Chess Olympics. The average age of the players was as low as 20 years! Sweden’s team had an average age of 36 and came in 37th place.

Uppsala Open starts

Today, Monday, two of the festival’s main tournaments start. In the morning, the Uppsala Open begins, they play one round a day until Sunday. And at 4:00 PM this afternoon, it’s time for the grandmaster group to enter.

Bothe these tournaments will be broadcasted live and the grandmaster group will also have live commentary by Uppsala SSS head coach IM Jesper Hall. A link to that broadcast will be published later today.

Live Uppsala Open

Results Uppsala Open


The organizers would like to thank all the players and others who contributed to making the first edition of Uppsala Chess Festival a success. Book the festival next year already now – the dates are set to 5-14 August 2022.

Chances for norms

Several players have the possibility to take a title norm in the GM and IM tournaments. These players still have chances after five rounds out of nine.

The column on the far right shows how many points each player has when there are four rounds left to play and in the other columns show how many points are required for the different norms.

Samit Sahidi won the blitz tournament

On Thursday night, there were as many as 80 players in the festival blitz tournament and when the fumes was cleared out , it was the Slovak IM Samir Sahidi who stood as the final winner with nine points out of eleven, the same as the second IM Platon Galperin from Ukraine.

Rating prices were taken by Daniel Johnson , Axel Falkevall , Alfred Jonsson and the trio from Uppsala Joakim Nilsson , Viktor Carlfors and Julia Östensson .

Here is the list with all results .

Konstantin Borsuk (3rd), Samir Sahidi (1st), Josef Håkanson (arbiter) and Platon Galperin (2nd)

Chess art exhibition

Maria Yugina is not only a good chess player who will participate in one of the stronger tournaments during the Uppsala Chess Festival. She is also an artist who uses motifs from the chess world and with her very own style makes paintings that are unlike anything else. During Uppsala Chess Festival there is a selection of her paintings to view at Hotel Gillet, open for everyone to come and look at.

Pairings for GM-group round 1

The first round of the grandmaster group offers several exciting meetings. The new Swedish champion Jung Min Seo meets, for example, the experienced Romanian Mihail Marin and also the game between Tiger Hillarp and Milton Pantzar promises to be very interesting.

Pairings in round 1

Tiger Hillarp Persson – Milton Pantzar
Ludvig Carlsson – Emil Mirzoev
Jung Min Seo – Mihail Marin
Plato Galperin – Kaan Küçüksarı
Valerij Kazakouski – Isak Storme

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